
light radiation造句

"light radiation"是什么意思   


  1. The mass - loss includes the light radiation and solar wind
  2. Optical losses in thin films were mainly ascribed to light radiation and some light absorb
  3. Is the unit that supplies cooling water with temperature stability of 0 . 05 to prevent temperature variation in various equipment such as light radiation unit accelerating tubes , high - frequency acceleration cavities and rf power sources
    精密温调装置放射光设备加速管高周波加速空洞rf电源等机器温度?动守温度安定0 . 05
  4. Cold light therapy apparatus of tl - a series mainly uses acc - urate high - strength short - wave cold light radiation to kill pathogenic factors and harmful cells , activate helpful cells , and strengthen immune function of cells in local infected area , and thus achieves the goal of treating and preventing diseases
  5. Abstract : in the field of optical wireless links , concentrators that are designed by the tools of nonimaging optics can be used to collect the light radiation and are more compact and have higher collection efficiencies than imaging concentrators . hemispherical concentrators are studied by ray tracing , then for several normal nonimaging concentrators : hemispherical concentrators , compound parabolic concentrators ( cpc ) , dielectric totally internally reflecting concentrators ( dtirc ) , simultaneous multiple surfaces concentrators ( sms ) and inhomogeneous media concentrators ( poisson bracket ) , the design methods and the performances e . g . the gain and the field of view ( fov ) are compared as well as the application suggestion
  6. It's difficult to find light radiation in a sentence. 用light radiation造句挺难的
  7. Through the theory of light radiation and intensity , we can use the fewest leds to satisfy the luminous intensity demand . through image segmentation theory , we can accurately pick module up from the test stripe when it is put in wrong directions . through image processing theory , we can acquire correct information and avoid the bad effects from the asymmetric chemistry reaction and instability of the devices
  8. The use of interferometer to detect and analyze laser radiation is well known , but when the intense ratio of the laser radiation to the background natural light radiation is too small , the laser radiation cannot be detected . a novel more sensitive method for detect of wideband weak incident laser in strong background noise is introduced in this paper . the optical unit uses two wedge interferometers and two line array detectors . the incoming light radiation is divided into two beams and through the interferometers


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